Page 24 - Donald Bernard Graham
P. 24

Ninth Operation

               31  March 1945       Take off: 06.25.  Return: 11.35pm.

                       Hamburg – Army support/Area bombing   Lancaster ME 801 N - Nan2
                469 aircraft - 361 Lancasters, 100 Halifaxes, 8 Mosquitos - of No. 1, 6 and 8 Groups
                 attempted to attack the Blohm & Voss shipyards, where the new types of U-boats
                were being assembled, but the target area was completely cloud covered. The local
                  report describes 'considerable damage' to houses, factories, energy supplies and
                 communications over a wide area of southern Hamburg and Harburg. 8 Lancasters
                and 3 Halifaxes were lost, a number being victims of an unexpected intervention by
                   the Luftwaffe day fighter force. This was Bomber Command's last double figure
                                    aircraft loss of the war from a raid on one city.
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