Page 19 - John George Blair
P. 19
Jack with his 97 Squadron crew and below the Distinguished Flying Cross
commendation for their Pilot Flying Officer B. B. Lindsay
LINDSAY, Brian Benjamin A/FO Aus420216 R.A.A.F LG 6.10.44 4584.
ʺIn August 1944 this officer piloted an aircraft of a bomber formation detailed to
attack an airfield in occupied territory in daylight. During the operation the aircraft
was subjected to anti-aircraft fire. The port outer engine became defective and the
propeller had to be feathered. The port inner engine caught fire and much height
was lost as the flames were being put out. Flying Officer Lindsay regained control,
however, and a course was set for home. When crossing the enemy coast, the port
inner engine again burst into flames. When over the sea it was obvious that the
aircraft could no longer be flown. Nevertheless, Flying Officer Lindsay brought it
down safely on to the water. The crew got aboard the dinghy from which they were
later rescued. Throughout, Flying Officer Lindsay displayed fine leadership, high
courage and great determinationʺ.