Page 30 - John George Blair
P. 30
576 Squadron History
576 Squadron (a 1 Group Main Force squadron) was formed at RAF Elsham Wolds
in Lincolnshire on the 25th November 1943. Their first Commanding Officer was
Wing Commander G.T.Clayton DFC.
The new Squadron was created from 13 experienced crews together with 9 Avro
Lancasters and their ground crews transferred from the ̔ C ̓ Flight of 103 Squadron,
also based at Elsham Wolds. These were to make up the nucleus the 576 Squadron
forming ̔ B ̕ Flight under the command of Squadron Leader M R Attwater.
576 Squadron ̔ A ̓ Flight, under the command of Squadron Leader Dilworth, was
made up of 4 experienced crews from 101 Squadron at RAF Ludford Magna with
additional new crews coming straight from Heavy Conversion Training Units.
The Squadron started operations on the night of the 2/3 December 1943 with a
raid on Berlin. This was at the height of the Battle of Berlin during that hard winter. 7
Lancasters and crews were detailed for this attack and 1 failed to return. In its first
month of operations the Squadron lost 7 Lancasters and crews which
failed to return.
The Squadron took part in many long and hard raids until the Battle of Berlin came to
a conclusion at the end of March 1944.